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CandyStick Holder

Tomorrow is our 4 year wedding anniversary.  That means the candlesticks we used as centerpieces have been sitting in storage for FOUR YEARS.  Poor lonely candlesticks…

Candlesticks on their Maiden Voyage

Now, I couldn’t begin to tell you WHY I kept a box of candlesticks for four years (*cough* …ahem…packrat?) but now I’m a bit stoked that I did!  You see, pinterest is a wonderful thing.  Have you discovered it yet?  No?  Okay, do yourself a favor and click the link.  Pinterest is magical, I tell ya.  Before I found it I was printing off pictures/tutorials/inspirations/etc and keeping them organized in a binder.  Yes, I’m a nerd.  Also, yes mom, I did actually putthem all most of them IN the binder.  Be proud… Pinterest is a place that you can do this same thing, except it’s all online.  You make “boards” and then “pin” the things that interest you onto said boards.  PINTEREST!  Fun, eh?!  Go ahead and check it out.  You need to be invited to start pinning things, but I will most definitely send you an invite if you’d like!

ANYwhoo….I was browsing pinterest and found this “no-brainer” idea to use a candlestick as a stand for things.  I say “no-brainer” because if my brain was working at all I should have thought of this on my own.  I thought it was the smartest thing I’d ever seen, but now I just feel really dumb that I never thought of it myself.  It’s so simple!  Well, pinterest lit a fire under my butt to put these candlesticks to good use.  I headed off to Goodwill to find something to place upon my candlesticks and came across and old-school white glass bowl.  Here’s where I would show you a picture of it if I remembered to take “before” pictures.   Whoops…  Well, it was that white, milky-looking glass and has a scalloped top. (Oooo…ahhhh….)  It felt like the perfect Halloween candy dish, so that’s what I turned it in to!

The candlestick was already a flat black (I just sanded it a bit), so all I had to purchase was orange spray paint, gloss spray paint, a paint pen, and that scalloped bowl.  (If we’re counting, this was a $10 project but I will get many uses out of the paint!)

I wasn’t sure if the glass would cover with spray paint nicely.  It does…but only if you don’t spray during the middle of a random gust of wind.  All was fine and dandy (except for the little dripage I always get because I’m a terrible spray-painter.  I’m getting better, I promise!) until the wind picked up and blew the newspaper I had on the ground right into the side of my wet paint. *sigh*  I sprayed over it a few times and keep that side to the back.  It’s not pretty, but I guess it could be worse.

After that I hot-glued the candlestick to the bowl and then used the paint marker to write on the bowl.  As I was struggling to move the bowl in a way that I could easily write on it, my hubby pointed out that maybe I should have written on the bowl before I glued it to the candlestick.  Isn’t he nice? 😉

You could really use this setup for just about anything, but since it’s fall I found a candy dish to be absolutely necessary.  Yay Halloween!

The Stuff of Success 

I’m linked up at Yesterday on Tuesday

About betweenarockandahobby

Hello, my name is Erica. I am a 27 year old wife to Dan, and furbaby mom to Kyra. I have a degree in Radio/TV/Film and an unhealthy obsession with taking pictures. I am currently a system administrator searching for creative outlets.

10 responses »

  1. sweet!

    happy anniversary!!

  2. Nice project – very unique. Thanks for linking to

  3. What a cute idea! I’ll be sure to trick-or-treat at your house!

  4. Love the idea! Thanks for the comment, I’m so glad I found your site.

  5. How cute is that! Thanks for popping in for a visit and the sweet comment the other day. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  6. I love this! I may have to find time to make one, now 😉

  7. Pingback: Spicy Thai Noodles « Dig In!

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